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Gordon Trank 9 years ago


ABC’s Nightline recently aired an interesting segment about house flipping, which included a magic number that’s probably never been seen before. Western New York house flippers would have been glued to their TVs if they’d stayed up late enough to catch Nightline, because if authentically magical, it’s a good number to know.

The segment was part of a series called “Realty Check.” This one was about new strategies in the “ever-competitive world of flipping.” The show started with some backgr...
Gordon Trank 9 years ago


As the Spring Market approaches, the National Association of Realtors® was able to come up with some general observations on the makeup of the current market—facts that anyone expecting to deal with Wales home buyers in the coming year should find useful. With consumer attitudes showing improvement across the board, you might have expected that all segments of the home buying public would have shown increased activity. Not so.

According to the NAR’s annual survey—the big one that they’ve bee...
Gordon Trank 9 years ago

When an East Aurora Neighbor Misbehaves…

Finding the absolutely perfect home—then being able to afford—may be every East Aurora home seeker’s dream accomplishment, but absolute perfection in any realm usually remains exactly that: attainable in a dream, but nowhere else. In fact, online mortgage site HSH.com surveyed homeowners and found a tiny 20% of the home owning population had zero complaints about their current digs. Sixteen percent wanted a larger place; 9%, more closet space. Lower perc...
Gordon Trank 9 years ago


“A kitchen can sell a house” is a proposition that often proves true—well-designed kitchens can drive value. Given the popularity of cooking shows, artisanal cuisine, and the growing number of new gizmos and gadgets concocted for the advancement of culinary hobbyists, selling a house in East Aurora can turn on its gastronomical appeal—at least to a select segment of today’s home buyers. You may not want to fight it—especially if your house has a shopping cartload of gourmet potential. If you...
Dispose of those Televisions and other electronics in the South Towns for free!
Gordon Trank 9 years ago

Sunnking, Time Warner Cable and the East Aurora Rotary are teamong up for an electronics recycling event this Saturday, January 10, 2105


Residents can drop-off and properly dispose of electronic devices free of charge between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at Nativity Lutheran Church at 970 E. Main Street in East Aurora



It’s so important to our environment and future generations that we safely dispose of our old electronic devices, such as computers, TV’s and other small appliances. ...
Gordon Trank 9 years ago
 At 2014’s year end, it’s as good a time as ever to look back over the real estate investment landscape to see if any new trends or directions may have become apparent. It does look as if one development in the country as a whole may cause ripples that could affect ErieCounty real estate investment hunters in the coming year. This is a development with roots that go back to the 2008 upending of the housing market. That triggered a glut of foreclosures, so that banks, already up to their vaults...
Gordon Trank 9 years ago
It does seem to be time for an in depth forecast about East Aurora and Elma’shousing outlook for 2015. The prediction game is going strong everywhere else in 2015, with print and online journalists and TV talking heads interviewing experts and each other about what to expect in the coming year. Some make noteworthy predictions—but more seem to be doing their best to sound authoritative while remaining vague enough to avoid provably wrong calls. I have to sympathize. Last year, after delving int...
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